![Image result for essay](https://essaydoc.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/keep-calm-and-write-the-essay-4.png)
This week's vocabulary quiz will be postponed until Thursday, November 3. We will have the power point review on Wednesday, November 2.
How are your creative projects coming along? All work is due on Monday. These are the last two writing grades of the first marking period. If you have old work for which you would like credit, turn it in by Monday, October 31.
In class today: Today and tomorrow you have class time to write your essays. At this point your outlines should be all or almost completed. If you have completed the outline, then writing is the essay is very, very easy. Take out your essay graphic organizer, your Hamlet text. If you need lined paper, you will find it up front.
Thursday and Friday are silent working days. If you have finished your essay- and that includes proof reading-turn it in. You may work on something else. (silently) If you need to chat, please plan on explaining why you needed to disturb the class to Ms. Aspenleiter.
If you have a specific question for an instructor, please raise your hand for assistance.
You will either type your essay on your own time or write it on lined paper. I have some in class.
For all essays, you must begin with a MLA (modern library association heading). This is the formatting used in humanities courses. The heading is on your directions.
Here it is again.
ENGLISH III- (put in your class-3, 7, or 8)
31 October 2016 (note there are no commas and the day is first)
Hamlet thematic essay
Learning Targets:
I can introduce precise, knowledgeable claim(s), establish the significance of the claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and create an organization that logically sequences claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.
I can use words, phrases, and clauses as well as varied syntax to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships between claim(s) and reasons
I can write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.
You are receiving a class handout with this information
Final Project Details:
Congratulations! You’ve finished Hamlet! As a final project, each of you will hand in an assignment that reflects your understanding of the play in both analytical and creative ways. These will count for two writing grades.
Please read through the time line carefully.
See attached sheet for details and the essay outline organizer.
Time line:
Monday, October 24…..creative choice….The attached sheet is due at the close of class.(classroom participation grade)
Monday / Tuesday (9/24-9/26)…complete graphic organizer for in class essay (writing grade)
Monday through Friday (9/24-9/28)…work on your creative choice OUTSIDE of class.
Wednesday- Friday (9/26-9/28) in class essay. This is due at the close of day on Friday, 9/ 28, with the exception of those who receive extended time. Theirs is due on Monday, October 31 at the start of class, after which it will be worth a maximum of 50 points.
On Monday, October 31, all projects are due. We will have a gallery walk, with written critiques. Any projects not ready to go on the Monday will also only be worth 50 points after that time.
We begin a new unit on Tuesday, November 1
Part 1 Analytical essay for Hamlet
Directions: You are to write a minimum of a five paragraph essay that demonstrates how Shakespeare has developed one theme through the play Hamlet. Your essay should include a clear thesis statement, which will be developed through a minimum of three subsequent paragraphs that refer to three different occasions within the play that support your thesis. Each paragraph must have textual evidence from the play. This may be woven into your sentences or added after your sentence. Each paragraph must contain a controlling idea, evidence and an analysis statement. You will conclude your essay with an analysis of the overall significance of your theme’s development in relation to either the plot or characterization.
1. Select the theme from the following list that you would enjoy or feel most comfortable writing about. Your task is to write how your theme is developed throughout the play.
Themes to consider:
1. appearance vs. reality
2. action and inaction
3. revenge / honor / religion
4. women
5. poison, corruption, death
2. Begin your formal essay with an MLA heading. The following goes in the top left of your essay. Follow it exactly.
Your name
Instructor’s name (Ms. Parker)
English III (put in the period 3 or 7 or 8)
31 October 2016 (note there are no commas and the day is first!)
Essay Title (…..your theme) in Hamlet
3. Once you have selected your theme, complete the outline graphic organizer. The more details you have within your outline, the easier and better written will be your essay.
4. General instructions
· I am using the ELA Common Core rubric for grading. See the blog for a copy.
· There a no “I think, I believe, etc. in this essay. It is fact based.
· Try using “one” in lieu of you. Keep this factual and impersonal
· Remember to use transitions between paragraphs: however, in addition, moreover, furthermore, not only, on the other hand, alternately, in fact, including, regarding, considering, specifically, in other words, more importantly, nonetheless, conversely, as a result of, consequently
· Proof read: avoid contractions! Check your spelling! Careful with punctuation. Remember that semicolons join two complete sentences
Name_________________ Hamlet thematic essay outline (graded assignment)
This will serve as your rough draft and must be completed- and utilized- with your essay.
Hook? This is your general, universal statement about the play. It should not be biographical information on Shakespeare. This may be 2-3 sentences.
Write your hook here: __________________________________________________________
Thesis statement: What is your essay about?
Paragraph 1: Where in the play is your theme first shown? You’ll have to find the place in the text. Include the setting and the characters.
Textual evidence: write down 2-3 examples from this section of the play as evidence that supports your theme. Look at dialogue and figurative language. Is there a metaphor? Pun? Simile? Synecdoche? Oxymoron?
Analysis statement: Why or how is this scene that shows (your theme) significant in the overall development of the play?
Paragraph 2: Where in the play is your theme first shown? You’ll have to find the place in the text. Include the setting and the characters.
Textual evidence: write down 2-3 examples from this section of the play as evidence that supports your theme. Look at dialogue and figurative language. Is there a metaphor? Pun? Simile? Synecdoche? Oxymoron?
Analysis statement: Why or how is this scene that shows (your theme) significant in the overall development of the play?
Paragraph 3: Where in the play is your theme first shown? You’ll have to find the place in the text. Include the setting and the characters.
Textual evidence: write down 2-3 examples from this section of the play as evidence that supports your theme. Look at dialogue and figurative language. Is there a metaphor? Pun? Simile? Synecdoche? Oxymoron?
Analysis statement: Why or how is this scene that shows (your theme) significant in the overall development of the play?
Conclusion: (Do not begin in conclusion!)
This is where you bring together in summary and analysis your essay. This is not a restatement of your introduction. Ask yourself what is the larger significance of your theme? How does it connect to the characters and beyond? What does one take away from this as a lesson or awareness in being human? Write your notes below.
Part 2: Creative Hamlet (This will count as a writing grade.)
In addition to the writing component, everyone will have an opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of the play creatively.
Select one of the following:
Writing: letter from Hamlet to his friend Horatio, explaining the Prince’s personal anxiety, frustration over Claudius’ behavior and his relationship with Ophelia. (minimum 200 words; must refer to play details and use some of the language from the text to establish a 17th century tone.)
Letter from Ophelia to Hamlet, questioning his behavior and explaining her own feelings. (minimum 200 words; must refer to play details)
Visual: draw, paint, sculpt…scene: Hamlet meets ghost on ramparts
Hamlet sees ghost with Gertrude
Hamlet seeing Claudius pray and wants to kill him
Hamlet rejecting Ophelia’s returning the items he gave her
Laertes and Hamlet fighting
Laertes lecturing Ophelia
Polonius hiding behind the arras
King Claudius and Polonius spying on Hamlet and Ophelia
You may also create the poison cup, rapier, pile of love letters.
Note that you must specifically identify the scene with the lines you are illustrating.
Music: play a renaissance tune from the 17th century that one might have heard during
Shakespeare’s time. This should be no more than 2 minutes (recorder?)
Sing a tune that one might have heard during the 17th century or sing a more contemporary
song that reflects a particular character’s feelings. (Must identify a specific time in the play.)
Theatre: memorize 10 lines from the play to perform.
Create an original character who performs a commentary on an aspect of the play
Dance: you may work with others to create an interpretive evocation of a particular scene. This must
be filmed to present in class on the Monday.
See me with any other ideas you have; the above list is not exhaustive.
For the creative part of my Hamlet post assessment, I have decided to (be specific)
Note new day of Thursday, November 3
Hamlet Vocabulary 7
1. augury (noun) - an event indicating something important will happen
2. palpable (adjective) - capable of being perceived
3. to carouse (verb) - to engage in boisterous behavior; partying
4. havoc (noun) - violent and needless disturbance
5. to edify (verb) - to make someone understand
6. canker (noun) - a pernicious (very harmful) and malign influence one cannot get rid of
7. changeling (noun) - a child switched at birth
8. flagon (noun) - a large pottery vessel with a handle and a spout
9. pestilence (noun) - a serious infection of rodents transmitted to humans
10. heathen (noun) - a person who does not acknowledge your belief system
1. augury (noun) - an event indicating something important will happen
2. palpable (adjective) - capable of being perceived
3. to carouse (verb) - to engage in boisterous behavior; partying
4. havoc (noun) - violent and needless disturbance
5. to edify (verb) - to make someone understand
6. canker (noun) - a pernicious (very harmful) and malign influence one cannot get rid of
7. changeling (noun) - a child switched at birth
8. flagon (noun) - a large pottery vessel with a handle and a spout
9. pestilence (noun) - a serious infection of rodents transmitted to humans
10. heathen (noun) - a person who does not acknowledge your belief system
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