Thursday, May 25, 2017

Thursday, May 25 In class text analysis response.

If you were absent yesterday, you should make arrangements to take the practice reading comprehension.
Unlike the the previous two, which we practiced in class, this was a graded assignment.  I will review the correct responses next Tuesday.

In class today: text-analysis response. There are two samples being distributed, so be mindful that your neighbor will propably have a different text to read. (note the next time you do this will be in the exam.)

I am collecting these at the end of class; however, I will return them at the start of class tomorrow for you to finish.

Make sure to read your task carefully. Underline exactly what you are being asked to do.

Review your guidelines. Make sure you have woven in enough textual evidence to support your thesis. Do not forget to provide an analysis statment at the end. Always ask yourself how or why something is important in terms of the text. One way of considering this is to question what if the particular literary device, literary technique or rhetorical device had not been used.

Sample intro:  The central idea in (insert author with an apostrophe) (instert title and underline) the central idea is ___________________________________. The author uses the (literary device or literary technique or rhetorical device) of _____________________ to develop this theme.

 In  (insert author and title underlined) the central idea is _____________________. To develop this theme, the author uses the (literary device or literary technique or rhetorical device) of ____________________________________.

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