Monday, January 30, 2017

Tuesday, January 31 chapter 3 writing response

Learning Targets:
I can introduce a topic; organize complex ideas, concepts, and information so that each new element builds on that which precedes it to create a unified whole.
I can develop the topic thoroughly by selecting the most significant and relevant facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples appropriate to the audience's knowledge of the topic.
In class: writing response to chapter 3  Class handout / copy below.  Begin with an MLA heading. This is due at the close of class today, unless you receive extended time and then your writing is due at the beginning of class on Wednesday. 
This is a silent, independent assignment. You may use your text, but it will not help you, if you have not read.   Tomorrow we move onto chapter 4.
Name_____________________  Writing response to chapter 3 of The Namesake
Please respond to one of the following four questions, based upon your reading up through chapter 3. Your response should be no fewer than 150 words. Use standard language conventions; check your grammar, spelling and capitalization. This is due at the close of class. If you receive extended time, the writing response will be collected at the beginning of class tomorrow. Any late responses are worth 50 points.   Begin with an MLA heading.
  1. You are Gogol.  Your parents Ashoke and Ashima, whose “good” names are Mithu and Monu, respectively, take you to school to register for your kindergarten class.  They want you to have the “good” name, Nikhil, which means “he who is entire, encompassing all.”  They do not want the world to know you by your “pet” name “Gogol.” 
Explain what happens when Mrs. Lapidus, the principal, interviews you alone and how you are finally known at school.  How do your parents react when you come home with a letter from your teacher?  How does the lesson they learn have an impact on them when they name your sister Sonia?

  1. You are Gogol.  You sound just like an American when you speak.  You like to eat the same food as other American children.  You play the same games.  On every other Saturday, your parents send you to a Bengali language and culture class.  Because of this class, you miss going to the drawing class that you love so much.
Explain why you hate going to the Bengali class.  How does it seem to interfere with your life?  Why, in your opinion, is it irrelevant to your life and dreams?

  1. You are Sonia.   Somehow you knew enough to take the dollar bill and put it in your mouth at your rice ceremony.  One of the guests noted, “This one is the true American” (63).
Explain why it is easier for you, as the second child in the family, to follow your brother’s lead and become “the true American”.

4. You are Gogol.  Your teacher took the class on a field trip to a cemetery.  You made some wonderful drawings there that you bring home with you.  Your mother, who believes that “Death is not a pastime, not a place to make paintings” (70) refuses to put them up on the wall with your other works of art.
Explain why these drawings are so important to you and why you now hide them in your room.

Monday, January 30 Chapter 3 review questions / film clip

Monday, January 30 review of chapter 3 of The Namesake

Goddess Durga is the mother of the universe and believed to be the power behind the work of creation, preservation, and destruction of the world. Since time immemorial she has been worshiped as the supreme power of the Supreme Being and has been mentioned in many scriptures 

Note: you are responsible for the material you miss when you are absent. If you have a legal absence, as noted on the attendance, you have 10 days to make up the work. Otherwise, your late work is worth 50 points.

1. Please turn in your responses for Chapter 3 of The Namesake.
2. Reviewing / discussing the questions and by extension what can be implied about the characters and how they integrate within American society.
                 what conflicts do you observe?
                       man vs society
                       man vs man
                       man vs self
3. Film clip the namesake begin 18:15
4.  Make sure you have read thoroughly through chapter 3 for tomorrow. Do not forget your texts. 

Chapter 3 The Namesake by Jumpa Lahiri  pages 48-71              
Due on Monday, January 30 at the beginning of class.
Please read chapter 3 and answer the following questions in complete sentences that clearly demonstrate you have read the material. We will review them in class. Those turning in the material after the start of class will receive 50 points.  This is the first grade of the 3rd quarter marking period.
Chapter 3 - 1971

1.      How does Ashoke like his job as a professor? * weave in text

              Ashoke's job is "everything [he] has ever dreamed of" (49) as "he [had] always hoped to teach in a university rather than work for a corporation" (49).

2.      Where does the Ganguli family move to? *weave in text

The Ganguli family "moved to a university town outside of Boston" (48), which has "an historic strip of colonial architecture visited by tourists on summer weekends"(48).

3.      What is their house like? *weave in text

      The Ganguli family lives "in a two-story colonial in a recently built development previously occupied by no one, erected on a quarter acre of land" (51).  The walls of the new house are painted, the driveway sealed with pitch, the shingles and sundeck weatherproofed and stained" (51).  Gogol's own room has lots of toys bought at garage sales.

4.      What are their neighbors like? * weave in text

             Their neighbors are named "Johnson, Merton, Aspris and Hill" (59); they are all "Americans" (59)

5.      When is the new baby born? Do they name her in the same way that they named Gogol? *weave in text
Unlike when Gogol was born, the Ganguli's are ready with a name, because they don't want the school to use a "pet name". They give their daughter the name "Sonali, meaning she who is golden"(62); this will be her good name and her pet name. 

6.      What happens at Sonia's rice ceremony? *weave in text
        Many Bengalis have moved to the suburbs, and they spend lots of time together. There are so many, in fact, that for Sonia's rice ceremony "Ashoke arranges to rent a building on campus with twenty folding tables and an industrial stove"(63). Sonia "refuses "all the food" and one guest observes "this one is the true American"(63).

7.      How are Ashoke and Ashima's children becoming true "Americans?" * weave in text
 They begin to "appear no different than their neighbors" (64) The children prefer American holidays, where they "hang stockings on the fireplace mantel" (64), They eat "individually sliced wrapped cheese, tuna fish [and] hot dogs"(65). The children sound "just like Americans" (65).

8.      How does Ashima react to Gogol's field trip to the cemetery? * weave in text
Gogol's class made grave rubbings at an old cemetery., where he brings the unusual names "to life", because he likes "their oddness, their flamboyance" (70). Ashima, "however, is horrified", because she knows different customs and believes that "death is not a past time"(70). She refuses to hang up his rubbings.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Monday, January 23 chapter 3 of The Namesake by Jumpa Lahiri

BONUS....specifically identify from where the following came.
Trump inauguration

The Taj Mahal is an ivory-white marble mausoleum on the south bank of the Yamuna river in the Indian city of Agra. It was commissioned in 1632 by the Mughal emperor, Shah Jahan, to house the tomb of his favorite wife, Mumtaz Mahal.

Learning targets:
I can write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.
I can cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain.
I can analyze the impact of the author's choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story or drama (e.g., where a story is set, how the action is ordered, how the characters are introduced and developed).

Essential question: How does one cultural background impact one's life when the cultural background has changed?

In class today:
         1. Collecting any work you have yet to turn in. This is the last day of the marking period.
         2. video clip of the arranged marriage
         3. Chapter 3 of The Namesake (in class silent, independent reading and general questions)
                     * Anyone needing class time to finish up work, use this time productively
                     * Those of you who are up to date on all the material from The Namesake chapters 1 and 2, please read chapter 3 (pages 48-71) and respond to the content-based questions. (class handout)

arranging the marriage

VERY IMPORTANT: everyone is responsible for chapter 3 of The Namesake by Monday, January 30.  I will collect the your well-written responses at the beginning of class. Any material turned in after is only worth 50 points.

copy of class handout from Monday, January 23

Chapter 3 The Namesake by Jumpa Lahiri  pages 48-71              
Due on Monday, January 30 at the beginning of class.
Please read chapter 3 and answer the following questions in complete sentences that clearly demonstrate you have read the material. We will review them in class. Those turning in the material after the start of class will receive 50 points.  This is the first grade of the 3rd quarter marking period.
Chapter 3 - 1971

1.      How does Ashoke like his job as a professor? * weave in text
2.      Where does the Ganguli family move to? *weave in text
3.      What is their house like? *weave in text
4.      What are their neighbors like? * weave in text
5.      When is the new baby born? Do they name her in the same way that they named Gogol? *weave in text
6.      What happens at Sonia's rice ceremony? *weave in text

7.      How are Ashoke and Ashima's children becoming true "Americans?" * weave in text
8.      How does Ashima react to Gogol's field trip to the cemetery? * weave in text

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The Namesake by Jumpa Lahiri

The Namesake

by Jhumpa Lahiri

I will be returning on Monday, January 23. You will begin reading The Namesake with Ms. Newland.  Everyone is responsible for his or her copy. They are available in the library.

All class material will be available below. Please note the order.

Page 1.
Background material for Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake

The Namesake is about the Ganguli family's life in America and their son Gogol's search for his identity. The parents, Ashoke and Ashima, were both born in Calcutta, India and the children, Gogol and Sonia, were both born in the Boston metropolitan area in the state of Massachusetts.

The story's conflict takes on not only geographic but also cultural proportions. As Ashoke and Ashima acclimate themselves to American life, their native-born American children grow up within the embrace of their Bengali parents, and Gogol and Sonia learn in many ways how their bicultural identity sets them apart from other children.

To understand how long the "journey" was that Ashoke and Ashima took from India to the United States, examine the map. Find Calcutta*, India. Draw a line from India to where you believe Boston, Massachusetts is located.
*Kolkata City in India
Kolkata (formerly Calcutta) is the capital of India's West Bengal state. Founded as an East India Company trading post, it was India's capital under the British Raj from 1773–1911.


Background material Page 2
The Namesake is the author Jhumpa Lahiri’s first novel. In The Namesake, which received the New York Magazine Book of the Year Award when it was published in 2003, Jhumpa Lahiri describes first-generation American Gogol Ganguli's odyssey through the first thirty years of his life as he grapples with the burden of conflicting loyalties that his two opposing cultures, Indian and American, impose upon him.

The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri   Pre reading writing
In a well-written essay of approximately 250 words, share some of your family traditions and where they originated from. Use vivid imagery (sight, sound, smell, taste, sense); so as the reader can strongly experience these.
Please use lined paper.
 Begin with a MLA heading:
Your name
Instructor’s name
English 3- (3 / 7/ 8)
Date: day / month / 2017


Name__________________________________   The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri
Chronology of Events for chapter 1Top of Form
Put these events into chronological order by using the numbers 1(first event) —> 13 (last event)
______Ashima tries to make her favorite Calcutta snack the right way in her apartment in Central Square, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
_____ Ashoke takes Ashima to Mount Auburn Hospital.
_____ Ashoke and his parents meet Ashima and her parents in their home in                        Calcutta.
_____       Ashima finds out Ashoke’s name.
_____        Ashima Bhaduri marries Ashoke and becomes Ashima  Ganguli                                                                          
_____        In the waiting room, Ashoke reads articles in the Boston Globe about the riots that took place during the Democratic National Convention in Chicago and Dr. Benjamin Spock’s two-year sentence for having counseled draft evaders.
_____        Ashoke is almost killed in a train accident.
______      Ashoke begins to read Nikolai Gogol’s short story, The Overcoat.
______      Ghosh tells Ashoke about the importance of seeing the world.
______      Without telling his family, Ashoke applies to graduate schools abroad to continue his studies in engineering.
______      Ashoke has to learn how to walk again.
______      Patty gives Ashoke the news of his son’s birth while he is thinking about how Nikolai Gogol saved his life.
______      Ashoke sets out on a journey to spend time with his grandfather.


 Name____________________________   The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri  Chapter 1 True or False   quiz grade.
Setting the Stage: Chapter 1
Chapter 1 - 1968
B. True or False?
Write "T" or "F" next to these statements. Explain to a partner why a statement is false.

_____  1. Ashima spoke English perfectly in her first years of residence in the U.S.A.
______            2. Ashima has no sense of adventure about her.
______            3. Ashoke's grandfather believed that you could see the world as an armchair traveler.
______            4. Ashoke’s family encouraged him to study abroad.
______            5. Ashima’s mother did not want Ashima to get married.
______            6. Ashima never heard Ashoke’s voice when she met him and his family.
______            7. Ashoke could be described as a bookworm.
______            8. 1968 was a relatively calm year in U.S. history.
______            9. Ashoke is very religious.
______            10. Ashoke suffers from claustrophobia.
______            11. Ashoke is very romantic and buys Ashima flowers whenever he can.
______            12. Ashima calls Ashoke by his first name.

Name___________________________  The Namesake by Jumpa Lahiri
Point-of-View Writing      Chapter 1
Write a paragraph with a minimum of 100 words on one of the following topics.
Begin with a MLA heading     Use lined paper       writing grade!

1.    You are Ashoke. Explain why you didn't take your grandfather's advice and continue to see the world as an armchair traveler, only through books. Talk about the train accident and how your period of convalescence made you want to pursue your graduate studies abroad and see the world during your youth, as Ghosh had urged you to do, before it would be "too late" (16).

2.    You are Ashima. Explain how your first meeting with Ashoke and his parents was an expected event in your life. Talk about your mother's efforts to make you look as beautiful as possible at this meeting and why you laughed to yourself when you heard her "salesmanship" (7) about your knitting talent. Explain how stepping into Ashoke's shoes put you at ease and why Ashoke's mother's look of approval made you feel good. Then write about your wedding day. Describe how you were dressed and why, when you were carried to meet your groom on a piri that was decorated by your father, your head was "bent low until you had circled [Ashoke] seven times" (10).

Summary of chapter 1
  • It is August 1968. Ashima and Ashoke are in their apartment in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
  • Ashima tries to make her favorite Indian snack, while Ashoke studies for his electrical engineering degree in the bedroom.
  • Ashima starts to go into labor.
  • The couple heads to the hospital, and after checking Ashima in, Ashoke heads to work. He's not staying for the birth.
  • While talking with a nurse, Ashima uses an Indian English idiom, but the nurse thinks she has made an error, which reminds Ashima of how she met her husband.
  • Some years ago, back in Calcutta, Ashima was a nineteen-year-old college student working as an English tutor.
  • When Ashima's mother invited a bunch of potential suitors for Ashima over to the house, one of them turned out to be Ashoke, who came to the house with his parents in tow.
  •  Ashima saw Ashoke's shoes in the hallway, and couldn't resist trying them on before she met him.
  • They marry. Ashima thinks back on that moment every Sunday, when Ashoke polishes his shoes. And apparently she's thinking of it now, while she's in labor with their first child.
  • Meanwhile, Ashoke has returned to the hospital at 4:30 a.m., where he paces the waiting room.
  • His slight limp on his right foot reminds him of his accident.
  • Back in India, he was on his way to visit his beloved grandfather, who had introduced him to the great works of Russian literature. His grandfather had recently gone blind, though, so he was going to give all his books to an eager Ashoke, who was on his way to pick them up.
  • So, on October 20, 1961, Ashoke was on a train from Calcutta to Jamshedpur, and one of his compartment-mates was a middle-aged Bengali businessman named Ghosh, who encouraged Ashoke to travel the world.
  • As Ashoke was reading Nikolai Gogol's "The Overcoat" in the early morning hours, the train crashed. Half buried under the rubble, Ashoke was nearly missed by the rescuers until a page from Gogol's short story caught their attention. Gogol to the rescue.
  • After a year of recovery, Ashoke returned to college and graduated.
  • Having taken Ghosh's advice, Ashoke applied for graduate school at MIT. Time for some world travel. He only told his parents his intentions when he was awarded a fellowship, and it was too late for them to convince him not to go.
  • In the midst of all these memories, a nurse walks in to the waiting room. Is he a proud papa.

Chapter 2 pages 22-47

Comparing Cultures Name___________________  Chapter 2
Please read pages 22-29 and respond to the following in complete sentences.
Setting the Stage

1a.  Who usually chooses a child’s name in the United States?

1b. Who usually chooses a child’s name in Bengali culture?

2a. When does a child get a name in US culture?

2b. When does a child get a name in Bengali culture?

3. Can people name their child after another family member in US culture?

4. Can people name their child after another family member in Bengali culture?

chapter 2 explaining reasons Name___________________________

Complete the following sentences based upon your reading of chapter 2
1. Ashima and Ashoke cannot name Baby Ganguli because they
2. The baby cannot leave the hospital because he
3. Bengali parents cannot name a child after another family member because each
name _____________________________________________________________________
4. Benglais actually have two names because one name is 

5. Ashoke and Ashima agree to give their baby the name Gogol because 

Chapter 2 cumulative assessment.   Name________________________________________

Part 1. Imagine you are Ashima.  Please respond to the following statements by writing negative or positive as to how you would feel as Ashima starting your life in America.
1. the frigid winter                                                              ________________________
2. her  three-room apartment                                          ________________________
3. roaches in the bathroom                                              ________________________
4. powerful cooking gas                                                     _______________________
5. hot tap water                                                                   _______________________
6. leafless streets                                                                  ________________________
7. cold drinking water                                                         ________________________
8. dog urine and excrement in the snowbanks              ________________________
9. no amenities, no help, in the apartment                    ________________________
10. caring neighbors                                                           _________________________

Part 2. You are Ashima. You have just arrived in America, and you want your family in India to know that all is well with you. Write a letter to the family describing what is positive about your life in America. Weave in textual evidence from chapter 2.  Minimum 200 words. Please proof read for correct language conventions. Use lined paper, beginning with a MLA heading.

  • At 5:05 in the morning, Ashima and Ashoke welcome their son into the world, and while they're still in the hospital, three Bengali friends visit them.
  • Having allowed Ashima's grandmother to name their child, Ashima and Ashoke have to wait for the grandmother's letter, since neither family has a telephone in India. But over a month has gone by, and there's still no letter. So what in the world are they supposed to call the baby?
  • Ashima spends three days in the hospital. Still no letter. Finally, since the hospital won't discharge the baby without a name, Ashoke decides to name him Gogol.  It's forever entered into the birth certificate bureaucracy.
  • When they return home, their landlords, Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery, come downstairs from their apartment to see Gogol. The Montgomerys bring their two young daughters along.
  • At first depressed and overwhelmed by the burden of caring for a new one, Ashima soon begins to develop some independence and goes out into the world. She shops, she takes her son out on walks.
  • In November, Ashima and Ashoke receive a letter from Ashima's father dated three weeks before, which tells them the sad news that Ashima's grandmother had a stroke. The chances of ever getting that letter from grandma with Gogol's name in it are looking pretty slim.
  • In February, Ashima and Ashoke celebrate Gogol's annaprasan, or rice ceremony, at which a baby is fed rice for the first time. While Gogol totally digs the rice pudding, he does not enjoy the end of the ceremony, in which some dirt, a ballpoint pen, and a dollar bill are set before him. According to tradition, his choice will determine his future career.
  • Unfortunately, little Gogol doesn't pick anything – he just wails.
  • Now it's August, and Gogol is one year old. Ashima and Ashoke are eagerly planning a family visit to Calcutta in December.
  • After a trip into Boston with Gogol to buy gifts for her family, Ashima accidentally leaves all her bags on the subway. When Ashoke calls up the lost and found the next day, they find that some ridiculously nice person has saved the bags and turned them in.  
  • One night, Ashoke and Ashima are awoken by a phone call from Rana, Ashima's brother in India. Ashoke speaks to Rana first, and then he hands the phone over to his wife.
  • After they get off the phone, Ashoke realizes that Rana hasn't told Ashima the bad news: her father has died of a heart attack.
  • Six days later, Ashoke, Ashima, and Gogol head for Calcutta, feeling pretty blue.
