Thursday, October 20, 2016

October 21st, 2016 Jeopardy review game

October 21, 2016

Learning Targets: 

-I can determine what the text says explicitly and make logical inferences from it; citing specific textual evidence when  speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.

-I can engage in text-based discussions, drawing evidence from my understanding of the text. 

-I can draw on my understanding to connect this evidence to themes of the text where appropriate.

(1) Have a seat.  Take out your vocabulary lists for a power point review.
 (2) We will be taking the quiz. 
(3) The quiz should only take up the first ten minutes of class. When you're finished with your quiz, please flip over your quiz.
(4) Hamlet 7 vocabulary will be placed on your desk
(4) Afterwards, we will be playing a Jeopardy-style review game.

Bonus Question: Name all the characters poisoned in the final scene.

For the game:

You will be drawing on your understanding of Hamlet to earn some bonus points in a text-based game of Jeopardy.

-You may work with a partner. Sit next to the one person with whom you wish to work. You have the option of working independently. 
- Please write both of your names on the sheet of paper with the themes listed. Each team will have a Team Number. This is how we will track points. 

Game directions:

On the board there will be a question.
To answer a question, write your team's response in marker on a piece of blank A4 paper that has been provided on your desk.

You will have 30 seconds to write a response.

When you have finished, listen and I will tell you when to hold up your papers. 

All teams who give a correct answer will get points.

If a team can identify a theme to go along with the response, they can choose the next category. Please note that you have to give a sufficiently clear explanation of how the theme ties to the topic. These were the themes we covered previously.

1. appearance vs. reality

2. action and inaction

3. revenge / honor / religion

4. women

5. poison, corruption, death

Hamlet Vocabulary 7
Quiz October 28th, 2016

1. augury (noun) - an event indicating something important will happen

2. palpable (adjective) - capable of being perceived 

3. to carouse (verb) - to engage in boisterous behavior; partying 

4. havoc (noun) - violent and needless disturbance 

5. to edify (verb) - to make someone understand

6. canker (noun) - a pernicious (very harmful) and malign influence one cannot get rid of

7. changeling (noun) - a child switched at birth

8. flagon (noun) - a large pottery vessel with a handle and a spout

9. pestilence (noun) - a serious infection of rodents transmitted to humans

10. heathen (noun) - a person who does not acknowledge your belief system

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